Income Generating Projects
The idea behind developing Income Generating Projects began with the purpose of raising funds to assist the Mumvuri Project Trust to carry out their orphan operations such as school fees, clothing, food etc. This would be the case provided the project could be undertaken within the premises of the Mumvuri Project Community Centre so that income would be generated through rent paid to the Trust.
With this in mind we opened a pre-school. The Mumvuri Project’s Early Childhood Development Centre is registered with the Ministry of Education of Zimbabwe and our curriculum is carried out according to their guidelines. Our ECD Centre is for children between the ages of 4 to 6 years whose parents are able to afford the fee, which is USD35.00 per month. Orphans of this age attend the Centre for free. Each day, the children go through a program of prayers and hymns, teaching, morning tea, outdoor activities, lunch, rest, outdoor games and a snack and drink before being collected at 4pm. The children thrive in the conditions we are able to provide at the Project.
We have yet to develop any other successful income generating project but we have tossed ideas around which could be carried out on the premises of the Mumvuri Project Community Centre. If you have ideas you’d like to suggest we would love to hear from you.
There are many opportunities available for those of you who are keen to get involved with helping and guiding those less fortunate than yourself toward a better life. There is so much need and so many candidates who would be willing to learn any artisan skills you may be qualified to teach, the opportunities are boundless. If you are interested in developing income generating projects within the community of Banket please contact us as we would be happy to assist you wherever possible.