Archives: Causes

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  • income-generating-projects Featured

    Income Generating Projects

    The idea behind developing Income Generating Projects began with the purpose of raising funds to assist the Mumvuri Project Trust to carry out their orphan operations such as school fees, clothing, food etc. This would be the case provided the project could be undertaken within the premises of the Mumvuri

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  • vocational-training-college-university Featured

    Vocational Training – College – University

    Few of our orphans attain the qualifications necessary for university but for those few, being able to continue their education is important. Unfortunately we are not able to support these children through university, however, through our Newsletter we highlight children with the ability to continue into higher education and in

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  • medical-and-mercy Featured

    Medical and Mercy

    A number of the children under our care are HIV positive and require medical treatment. We also assist women suffering from cancer bringing relief by helping to clean, care and cook for her and her children, assist with school fees where required and where necessary go to the hospital with

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  • school-fees-uniforms-equipment-exam-fees Featured

    School Fees – Uniforms – Equipment –...

    From 1995, when we began, and every year since then, the Mumvuri Project has paid for the school fees of between 60 and 70 children identified as orphans and/or vulnerable children within the Banket community and surrounding farm community. There are 5 government schools in Banket. Two secondary schools and

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